भारत सरकार
कृषि और किसान कल्याण विभाग
Agricultural & Farmers Welfare Department
National Agriculture Infra Financing Facility


For loans upto ₹2 Cr, AIF provides 3 % interest subvention with a cap of 9% on ROI ,credit guarantee support by way of payment of CGTMSE fee.
There is no capital or margin subsidy available under Agri Infra Fund Scheme.
In AIF, interest subvention means relief of 3% on interest rate charged by the lending institutions.
Agricultural Produce Market Committee / Agri-Entrepreneur / Central sponsored Public-Private Partnership Project / Farmer/ Farmer Producers Organization/ Federation of FPOs/ Joint Liability Groups/ Local Body sponsored Public-Private Partnership Project/ Marketing Cooperative Society/ Multipurpose Cooperative Society/ National Federations of Cooperatives/ Primary Agricultural Credit Society/ Self Help Group/ Federations of Self Help Groups/ Start-Up/ State Agencies/ State Federations of Cooperatives/ State sponsored Public-Private Partnership Project are eligible entities under the Scheme.
Please refer to following for a detailed list of eligible activities.
Application process is completely online. Go to the AIF portal. Register with mobile phone number and aadhar number to receive an OTP to generate your login credentials. Thereafter, you can apply for loan by filling an application form available on the portal and uploading a copy of Detailed Project Report (DPR). This application will be verified by Central PMU at Ministry and will then be automatically received by the lending institution opted by you on the portal. The lending institute will appraise the project and decide whether to sanction the loan or reject the application based on viability of project. After the disbursal of loan, interest subvention and credit guarantee fee will be released by GOI to the lending institution based on the claim submitted by them. (A detailed video demonstrating the entire application process is available on portal in English and Hindi)

DPR is Detailed Project Report. It contains necessary information about the promoter and the project. You can either make a DPR yourself based on model DPRs given on AIF portal or you can avail the services of a Chartered Accountant/ Financial Expert who will prepare one for you. You can use any format for your DPR, provided it has all the necessary information required-

  • Applicant's details
  • Constitution of applicant e.g individual/ firm/ company/ FPO/ SHG/ cooperative society etc.
  • Details of activity proposed with process flow chart, raw material, end product
  • Project cost breakup
  • Means of finance ( owner’s contribution, term loan, subsidy if any, unsecured loans)
  • Revenue projections for next five years
  • Plant and machinery details
Minimum owner's contribution required is 10% of fixed project cost.
Working capital is the money required to perform day to day operations of your business. Loan for working capital is not eligible in AIF.
7 years, including moratorium period of 6 months to a maximum of 2 years.
The scheme does not have a minimum or maximum loan cap. However, an eligible beneficiary can avail benefits of AIF on loans upto ₹ 2 crores per project.
AIF benefits are restricted to an amount upto ₹2 crores, however the loan amount can be higher than ₹2 Crores.
Banks may decide market driven interest rate beyond the subvention scheme amount.
An applicant can put up to 25 projects in different locations (different physical boundary of a village or town having a distinct LGD (Local Government Directory) code) and each of such projects will be eligible under the scheme for loan up-to ₹ 2 crore. Limitation of 25 projects is not applicable to state agencies, national and state federations of cooperatives, federations of FPOs and federation of SHGs.
The interest subvention is restricted up to the limit of ₹ 2 crores per project. The credit guarantee is restricted for the loans upto ₹ 2 crores per beneficiary.
AIF scheme can be converged with any other central/state capital subsidy or subvention scheme, thus you can avail benefits under both the schemes.
For loans upto ₹2 crores, Credit guarantee coverage will be available for eligible borrowers under Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) scheme, hence no collateral is required. The fee for this coverage will be paid by the Government for a maximum period of 7 Years.
The lending institutions submit their interest subvention and CGTMSE fee claims to the Ministry on periodic Intervals. After receipt of the claimed amount from Ministry, the same is credited to your loan account by the banks.
In such case please ask the bank to contact their nodal officer or call on AIF helpline number / email for Bank Officials provided on portal.
In such case please contact on AIF helpline numbers / email provided on portal .
Provided everything goes smoothly, it should not take more than 60 days to sanction the loan.
In such cases, provide a DPR for only primary processing activities, treating it as a separate unit with separate finances as such.
It means that either your application or DPR lacks certain information or has wrong information. Refer to the remark made by the PMU and then resubmit your application after making required changes.
Beneficiary details, once submitted cannot be changed by you. If you do need to make any changes, send an email to If your request is found reasonable, changes shall be made after review.
Select the nature of your activity/project from the list provided. If your proposed activity is not in the list, select the closest activity type or select 'others' and provide the description.
In this case please contact on AIF helpline number/ email for applicants provided on portal and provide your registered mobile phone number, we will find out your beneficiary id which you can use to reset your password using ‘forgot password’ option.
After submission, next step is application verification by PMU. When your application is verified, you will receive an SMS notifying you of the same. Thereafter, you go to your bank and complete the necessary formalities with the bank.
After verification, your application goes to your selected bank automatically. You contact your bank and complete the necessary formalities with the bank.
In case of change in bank, your current bank has to reject your application; afterwards you need to apply fresh for your preferred bank. In case you want to change the branch, contact your bank and proceed as instructed.
PSUs are directly not eligible under the scheme, but projects sponsored by them under PPP are eligible.
Participating lending institutions will decide criteria for selection of eligible borrower as per their own policy, keeping in mind the viability of the projects.